Where to Travel in September?

According to some, September is the best month to travel the world. The Northern hemisphere is finally feeling a relieve of the sizzling days of summer. The Southern Hemisphere is is experiencing blooming as the chills have passed.

For some, September means the start of school or back to work after a summer of travels. But for others, September is the time to pack your newly purchased travel backpack and begin an adventure.

France and Italy are frequently visited places in the summer. However in September, the lines are shorter and the prices drop because the summer buzz has quieted.  Beaches in the Mediterranean are sunny. Eastern Europe starts to cool down. Turkey is actually a wonderful place to visit in September. Cappadocia, a city on the Anatolian plains in the center of Turkey, has geological structure unlike anywhere else. If you want to take a balloon ride over the beautiful city, you will not regret it! However, I would stay in the city for 2-3 days just in case it’s too windy on the morning you decide to go. If the government says it’s too windy, balloons don’t fly! Give yourself a few days just in case you happen to visit during a wind spell.

Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia, Turkey

In the United States and Canada, autumn is beautiful. New England and Nova Scotia will have more lobster and seaside lounging now that the crowds have left. Harvest season begins for farmers, more likely to be in Quebec and the American midwest. Farmers markets have produce and even pumpkins start to emerge! Apples fall from trees, asking to be crushed into cider.

Most leave Central America in September because the rains get fierce. However some may enjoy the wildlife that is brought out by the monsoon. It also means the best or worst surfing, depending on your skill level. There are some serious waves in Central America in September. Although if you’re a beginner, Tamarindo in Costa Rica might be a good place. It tends to get the smaller part of the action from the swells.

Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Tamarindo, Costa Rica

from Dror Gal | Travel http://ift.tt/1LAjKyT

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